Home > News > Company News > Enterprise's Hope | Spring Ring Seals: Layout for the Future, Transforming and Upgrading to Intelligent Manufacturing

Trend: With orders in hand of 20 million yuan, the annual output value can exceed 200 million yuan by the first quarter of next year; Establish a joint venture with foreign listed companies to jointly develop semiconductor and high-end chemical lining equipment; We are embarking on the renovation of the old factory area and will build a 2000 square meter dust-free workshop by March next year. After production, it is expected to increase sales by about 50 million yuan in the first year.



Hope point: It is difficult to find technology-based talents and batch students in universities. We hope that the government can provide greater support for talent introduction, help enterprises connect with vocational colleges, and help solve the problem of talent recruitment and employment in enterprises.


At present, we have about 20 million yuan of orders in hand, which are scheduled for the first quarter of next year, and customers place stable orders every day. Recently, in the production workshop of Zhenjiang Chunhuan Seal Group Co., Ltd., workers are busy on the molding machine in an orderly manner. According to Liu Gang, the company's general manager, the annual output value is expected to exceed 200 million yuan this year, an increase of about 30% compared to last year.

After more than 30 years of development, Chunhuan adheres to the principle of "online+offline" in sales channels, relying on its equipment production capacity advantages and technological reserves. In the past two years, we have increased investment in equipment, factory standardization construction, and new product research and development. In just two years, we have doubled our output value and are expected to grow by more than 10% next year. "Liu Gang said that while providing long-term supporting products for high-quality enterprises such as state-owned enterprises and military industries, the company has continuously expanded its online and overseas markets, exporting a large number of products to countries and regions such as Europe, America, the Middle East, and Central and South Asia, and taking the lead in establishing overseas warehouses in the same industry, Provide fluoroplastic semi-finished products for the shipbuilding and chemical industries.

On the one hand, by improving product quality and continuing to expand the sales territory of the original products, Chunhuan is laying out its future and transitioning to intelligent manufacturing and upgrading. In September of this year, we successfully established a joint venture with foreign listed companies to jointly develop semiconductor and high-end chemical lining equipment. Liu Gang told reporters that in order to promote the sustainable development of the company, we are starting to renovate the old factory area. The first phase of the renovation will be completed in March next year, adding a 2000 square meter dust-free workshop. It is expected to increase sales by 50 million yuan in the first year after production.


How to excavate the increment and strengthen the total amount? Liu Gang's answer is' to focus on core technologies and attract outstanding talents'. Chunhuan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University have conducted industry university research cooperation and successfully applied for projects such as provincial entrepreneurship and innovation, Jinshan Talent, etc. The developed products have surpassed the performance of similar domestic products, greatly improving the company's ability to develop into military, space, and power plant fields in the future. Despite this, the lack of skilled workers still troubles Liu Gang. "It is difficult to find technology-based talents and batch students in universities. We hope that the government can provide greater support for talent introduction, help enterprises connect with vocational colleges, build platforms, and help solve the problem of talent recruitment and employment for enterprises, and stimulate the driving force of enterprise transformation

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