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PTFE sheets are widely used in daily life, but there are still many people who are not very familiar with PTFE sheets. Next, this article will specifically introduce what is polytetrafluoroethylene board?


1、 What is PTFE board?


PTFE board (also known as PTFE board, PTFE board, Teflon board, Teflon board) is made of 100% pure PTFE through various processes such as molding, car sales, and cutting. Polytetrafluoroethylene sheets are mainly used in daily applications such as chemical, mechanical, and military industries.

2、 What are the characteristics of polytetrafluoroethylene sheets?


PTFE board is known as the king of plastics. It has excellent chemical stability and corrosion resistance, so it is known as the plastic king (not subject to general acid, alkali, salt, oxidation corrosion, including water corrosion, etc.), and is one of the most corrosion-resistant materials in the world.


There are two types of polytetrafluoroethylene plates: turning and molding. The turning plate is made of polytetrafluoroethylene resin by pressing, sintering, and rotary cutting. Molded plates are made of polytetrafluoroethylene resin by molding at room temperature, followed by sintering and cooling.

3、 So what are the uses of polytetrafluoroethylene sheets?


We will analyze the use of polytetrafluoroethylene sheets based on their characteristics:


1、 Low friction performance. Products in industries such as papermaking, pharmaceuticals, food, and textiles need to avoid lubricating oil contamination, and polytetrafluoroethylene sheets become oil-free lubricating materials for mechanical equipment parts.


2、 Not adhering. PTFE sheets are not easy to adhere to any substance, so they are also used in anti stick areas such as non stick pots, while also resistant to low temperature and high temperature.


3、 Corrosion resistance. PTFE sheets, known as the king of plastics, are widely used in industries such as petroleum, chemical, and textile due to their strong anti-corrosion performance. For example, chemical equipment such as delivery pipes and exhaust pipes that transport corrosive gases.


The above is an introduction to PTFE sheets. Thank you for reading.

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