Home > News > Company News > Industry Trends: Kedebao Sealing Technology Group has developed a high-performance polyurethane seal for water treatment equipment

Kedebao Sealing Technology Group has developed a high-performance polyurethane seal for customers with specific requirements and obtained a patent.


Drinking water in many countries around the world is severely polluted: pollutants such as microplastics, bacteria, viruses, and pesticides can have a negative impact on water quality. Kedebao Sealing Technology Group has developed a sealing solution for a water treatment equipment that not only filters tap water, but also adds minerals, trace elements, and, if needed, carbonation to tap water.


When the equipment was initially developed, the customer faced a technical challenge: the valves for traditional carbon dioxide cylinders were not fully standardized, with many different sizes and connection heights.


The pneumatic product development department of Kedebao Sealing Technology Group stated, "After the customer contacted us, we started analyzing the special conditions that this type of seal must meet. Soon, we realized that this project required our material expertise, development technology, and experience in manufacturing such products

Sealing performance


The valve of the carbon dioxide filter element is threaded into the water purifier using standard trapezoidal threads. Then firmly connect the filter element and equipment together. Then, the pressure reducer on the device reduces the filter pressure from 60 bar to approximately 3 bar of normal working pressure. Now, the seal between the pressure reducer and the cylinder valve on the equipment must complete some special work: due to long-term exposure of the material to a pressure of 60 bar, carbon dioxide will penetrate the material until it reaches saturation point. When using a water purifier, the pressure will rapidly decrease and the gas will suddenly expand. During this rapid decompression process, gases in the material will escape from the material. If the seal is made of the correct material, this problem will not occur. However, if there are defects in the material, carbon dioxide will accumulate in it, or if the material is completely unsuitable, the expansion of the gas will generate bubbles, thereby damaging the seal.


In addition to the correct materials, seals must also have the correct geometric shape to cope with these demanding conditions. It must be able to compensate for the various connection sizes of the valves on the air cylinder, while also making it more convenient for users to change the air cylinder. Here, the clever combination of materials and geometric shapes ensures the smallest possible frictional torque when screwing in or out the gas core.


Materials and Design


The company stated that customers have tight working hours and do not have much time for extensive testing. Kedebao Sealing Technology Group, relying on existing materials and manufacturing technology, began close cooperation with home appliance manufacturers and ultimately determined the best sealing solution and perfect materials. The high-performance polyurethane (93 AU V167) produced by the company has good elasticity and tensile strength, as well as high elongation at break. It is very elastic, wear-resistant, and approved for use in food contact according to EU Regulation No. 10/2011. It also meets FDA requirements and 3-A hygiene standards.


The company's fast sealing service, Freudenberg Xpress, supplied the first batch of CNC processed prototype parts and subsequently took over the production of two preliminary series, each with approximately 1000 CNC processed seals. The next step requires experts from KeDebao Sealing Technology Group to provide professional knowledge for production and samples for injection molding using molds, which are now being used to supply a series of parts - economically and readily available.


The pneumatic product development department of KeDebao Sealing Technology Group concluded, "Due to the very practical approach we adopted, we reached a customized solution with our customers in a very short period of time - we have now applied for a patent for this solution. This sealing ensures that tap water can be enjoyed with confidence anywhere in the world in the future


Article source: Exclusive release by PUWORLD


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Original title: "[Industry Trends] Kedebao Sealing Technology Group Developed a High Performance Polyurethane Seal for Water Treatment Equipment"

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