Home > News > Company News > Yangqi develops new technologies for high-end rubber sealing materials to solve the problem of "neck blockage"

Yangzhou Network News (Correspondent Zhu Anliang, Reporter Qian Wei) "The successful establishment of a low-temperature resistant and high-strength hydrogenated nitrile rubber sealing material has been approved as a key research and development project in the province, not only filling the domestic gap, but also opening the door to the high-end rubber sealing market." Recently, Jiang Yigao, the person in charge of Yangzhou High tech Rubber and Plastic Co., Ltd., was busy preparing materials and signing an agreement with the Provincial Department of Science and Technology to promote subsequent funding, equipment Technical breakthroughs and other matters.


Rubber seals are essential basic accessories for mechanical equipment in fields such as railways, light rail, airports, ships, bridges, etc. At present, in the high-end equipment manufacturing industry, all rubber seals rely on imports and are considered high-end products with extremely high prices, "Jiang Yigao told reporters.


Under the guidance of the Hanjiang Science and Technology Department, High tech Rubber and Plastics collaborated with Professor Wang Hui's team from Qingdao University of Science and Technology to overcome technical difficulties. The key material for high-end rubber seals is hydrogenated nitrile rubber (HNBR) with low temperature resistance and high performance. While maintaining oil resistance, it also has excellent heat resistance, cold resistance, ozone resistance, chemical resistance, and mechanical strength. It is a special rubber and strategic material with good comprehensive performance and development potential. Jiang Yigao calculated to reporters that after the successful development and industrialization of the new product, It is expected to generate a production capacity of 500 tons/year of HNBR rubber annually, achieving a sales revenue of 100 million yuan.


Jin Hui, the head of the High tech Department of the Science and Technology Bureau of Hanjiang District, stated that in the long run, this technology will greatly enhance the overall technical level and international competitiveness of the HNBR rubber and sealing industries, and is of great significance in promoting the development of China's rubber industry towards efficient, energy-saving, and green production.

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