Home > News > Company News > PTFE sealing rings for high-temperature applications: a perfect combination of stability and heat resistance!

Among sealing materials used in high-temperature applications, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) sealing rings have attracted much attention due to their unique performance and wide range of applications. Among sealing materials used in high-temperature applications, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) sealing rings have attracted much attention due to their unique performance and wide range of applications. This material can still maintain its stability and heat resistance at high temperatures, providing reliable sealing for various high-temperature equipment. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the performance characteristics, advantages, and limitations of polytetrafluoroethylene sealing rings in high-temperature applications. 1、 The performance characteristics of polytetrafluoroethylene sealing rings -1. Low coefficient of friction: polytetrafluoroethylene has a very low coefficient of friction, approximately 0.04, which minimizes the frictional force generated by the sealing ring during movement, thereby reducing energy consumption and heat generation. In high-temperature environments, this low friction characteristic is particularly important as it helps maintain stable operation of the equipment. 2. Good dimensional stability: Polytetrafluoroethylene does not undergo significant thermal expansion or deformation at high temperatures, and has good dimensional stability. This means that regardless of the temperature, the PTFE sealing ring can maintain its original shape and size, ensuring the sealing effect of the equipment. 3. Good electrical insulation performance: Polytetrafluoroethylene is an excellent electrical insulation material with high insulation resistance and dielectric strength. This means that using PTFE sealing rings can effectively prevent current leakage, thereby ensuring the safety of the equipment. 4. Chemical inertness: Polytetrafluoroethylene is inert to most chemical substances and will not be corroded by most acids, bases, and organic solvents. This enables the PTFE sealing ring to maintain its performance in various chemical environments. PTFE sealing rings for high-temperature applications: a perfect combination of stability and heat resistance!

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