Home > News > Company News > China's Conquering Sealing Technology Helps the Development of Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carriers

Recently, China has completed another unprecedented agreement with developed Western countries. According to CCTV, China has broken through a "small component" that has been blocked by the United States for half a century. Although this component is small, the technology used in it is an indispensable indicator in military, nuclear power, and shipbuilding industries. Now, China is finally no longer influenced by others.



According to CCTV, in a bidding competition in 2017, China was originally leading the United States by 20 points. However, the United States demanded that China change the bidding result by not providing a "C-type sealing ring". However, at that time, China had no choice but to accept this small component. Under the arduous circumstances, the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant could only be imported from the United States at a high price by the United States.




However, upon learning of this news, an engineer from a company called Ningbo Tiansheng Sealing Parts Co., Ltd. couldn't bear the humiliation of his motherland and made a vow on the spot, inspiring him to break through this technology even if he lost everything within 5 years. This is also related to the safety of China's nuclear industry, and there is no room for turning back.



Due to the exclusive monopoly of this technology by the United States, the price has risen by 15% every year for decades, and there is no room for negotiation. In 2015, China finally used a completely self-developed nuclear sealing ring, which was the result of Li Xinggen engineers' lifelong efforts to win the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award in one fell swoop. Since then, the price of such products abroad has decreased by at least 70%. No matter how much the United States has kept it secret for 50 years, Nowadays, China has conquered it through its own efforts, and the most worrying thing for the United States is still happening.



The breakthrough in nuclear sealing ring technology will only bring the era of nuclear powered aircraft carriers to China earlier. Can military fans not be excited?

Air Force 600 New Generation Shipborne Early Warning Aircraft Model



Once, China was wholeheartedly seeking to purchase the Falcon early warning aircraft from Israel. With the intervention of the United States, Israel would rather sell it to India than fulfill its contract with China. As a result, we had the Air Force 200, Air Force 500, Air Force 2000, and the upcoming Air Force 600 new generation carrier based early warning aircraft.



Once, China was refused by the United States to join the construction and use of the International Space Station on the grounds of protecting technology. Now, after decades of effort and step by step, China will build its own space station by 2022. Coincidentally, by 2024, the lifespan of the US International Space Station will be almost discontinued, and the initiative will be in China's hands. It is impossible for the United States to establish a new "palace" within 10 years.

In the past, China's military technologies such as supercomputing, aviation engines, aircraft carriers, Beidou satellites, fifth generation aircraft, and quantum communication were all controlled by humans. Now, with the efforts of generations after generations, China has made every breakthrough. The Western developed countries that implemented technological blockades in China have lamented that wherever there is a blockade, China will have a breakthrough!



For decades, China has suffered countless grievances, and now it has suddenly awakened. Only by abandoning its dependence on imports can it hold its head high and stride forward, which Japan, South Korea, India, and European countries will never understand. They will only continue to sink.

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